Creating a Minimalist Home: Tips for Simplifying Your Space

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If you have been keeping up with the latest design trends, you would know that the minimalistic movement is at its full strength. More and more people desire a clutter-free and down-to-earth lifestyle but, achieving that minimalistic design is not as simple as one would think, the smallest design inconsistency can leave the interiors in disarray.

This is where interior designers come into the picture; with years of training and expertise, the well-known among them are proficient. Also, designers well-equipped with the dexterity required to carry out such designs successfully. Minimalist interior design doesn’t just follow a simpler way of life, it also imbues that principle in every aspect of the home.

And the reason people all over covet the design for their homes is its ability to reduce stress instantaneously and boost focus. However, as efficient as the design is in advancing the interiors of a home. It’s equally difficult for a DIYer to implement it flawlessly. So, this blog will walk you through a plethora of tips to make your life easier and your home interior simpler.

Assessing Your Space for Minimalism

Minimalist home

Regardless of the design, assessing a space before implementing a design is perhaps the most important aspect of interior design. It gives you an idea about how to best approach the project to get the best results. Besides, assessing your current space is especially important when adopting a minimalist home or lifestyle. The main objective of minimalist home design is living with less and simplifying your life. And achieving that is nearly impossible without taking a good look at your surroundings.

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By surrounding we mean your possessions, chances are you have a mountain of possessions in your home, as everyone does. So getting rid of the things you don’t need or can live without is the first step towards achieving a minimalist home. This in no way means you should throw these things out, there are better ways of dealing with them. Consider donating, selling and only as a last straw should you throw something out, because one man’s trash is another’s treasure. This will help you by decluttering your space and introducing a sense of serenity and calm. However, figuring out what you should keep and what not to keep can be stupendously annoying. So here are some tips you can follow:

  • Remember the goal is decluttering not emptying a space, so ask yourself if the item is truly necessary or if it’s just taking up space.
  • Another great way of thinking about the things in your home is by considering the last time you used the item. If it has been more than a year since you used them, it’s likely that you don’t need them.
  • The condition of an item can also help you assess if you should keep the item, a damaged or no longer functional item can be thrown away or sold for the parts.
  • Finally and probably the most important aspect, you should consider the emotional attachment to the item. People tend to hold on to things with sentimental value, as it brings joy and adds value to life. However, you should be mindful of the number of things you are holding on to, as it can inadvertently turn into a hoarding situation.

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The Role of Storage in Minimalism

Minimalist home

Proper storage in a minimalist home is like the thread holding all the pearls together. Unbeknownst to many, it’s one of the most essential aspects to maintain the minimalist theme. Proper storage in a minimalist home helps in ways you cannot imagine. It keeps items organised, reduces visual clutter, maximises space, encourages mindful consumption and simplifies cleaning. Here are some storing and decluttering tips to live a minimalistic life:

  • To achieve a minimalist storage solution, the first step you should consider is to organise and sort out things in categories. This will help you determine what can be stored where, in addition to finding things that are not required and can be sold, donated or discarded.
  • Minimalism is all about maintaining a clean and decluttered aesthetic, so it’s a splendid idea to store items out of sight. Storage solutions such as closets, cabinets and under-the-bed storage can manifest the desired aesthetic.
  • Storage containers are great for organising and decluttering a space, thus it makes for a great storage solution for a minimalist home. We recommend using clear containers, they will make it easier for you to identify the stored items.
  • You can also invest in multi-functional furniture that can double as storage space, also these furniture pieces help you maximise space and downsize clutter.

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Choosing Minimalistic Furniture & Décor 

Minimalist home

The colour palette on the walls of your home isn’t enough to execute the much-desired minimalistic interior design. You have to integrate the same ideology into every aspect of the home to bring out the minimalist décor. It is in many ways the essence of the minimalist theme. Two contrasting designs will in the best of times create an incoherent or diluted design. And one of the areas people tend to make mistakes is when choosing furniture. Minimalist aesthetics desires highly functional furniture that can attend to multiple functions and aren’t obstructive. Here’s how you can make the right choice for your minimalist décor and functional furniture:

  • If it wasn’t clear before, minimalist design is all about simplicity and the same should be reflected in the décor. The best way of incorporating this décor is by choosing simple designs, free of any unnecessary embellishments. Look for clean lines, simple shapes and neutral colours.
  • Negative space is a highly emphasised concept in minimalist décor. So opting for décor elements with similar features is a plus.
  • Designers often use neutral materials like wood, stone and metal to drive home the minimalist appeal. So much so that these materials have become a staple for minimalist interior design. You can also integrate these elements into your furniture.
  • Never go overboard with the décor items even if the elements match the ideology. As it defeats the less is more principle of minimalism, upon which the entire design is based.
  • Often people associate minimalism with inexpensive, which cannot be further from the truth. Akin to the previous point, it’s true that “less is more”. However, that does not mean they should be inexpensive or even cheap. Always go for quality over quantity. Maintain a high-quality standard for all the décor elements and furniture in your home to resonate with the minimalist theme.

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Cultivating Minimalist Habits

Establishing truly minimalist home interiors doesn’t end with integrating the design into your home. The thing is, maintaining the design of your home demands habits that keep things consistent for days to come. You can’t implement the design one day and a month late. Start buying conflicting décor items, and furniture or even start storing things in a different way. The concept of minimalism goes beyond design, it’s a way of life. Thus, it becomes obviously vital that you adopt the design into your own lifestyle to embrace the minimalist theme truly. Doing this can be an especially difficult task. So we have listed below how you can settle into a simplified living:

  • For a so-called minimalist rookie, adapting to the lifestyle can be difficult, so start small. We recommend beginning with small changes, such as decluttering one area of your home or reducing your social media usage.
  • Mindfulness is as important as the design itself to embody simplified living or minimalist habits. A great way of practising mindfulness is by being present in the moment and giving all your attention to one task at a time. Accordingly, this will also help you reduce stress and remain focused on most things in life.
  • People today try to engage in a variety of fruitless distractions to bring meaning and joy to their life, it can be through spending money on food, possessions and a myriad of things society has deemed worthy of your attention. Minimalism celebrates a “less is more” mentality. You can do this by simplifying your possessions and reducing your consumption. As stated before, choose quality over quantity and this goes for your lifestyle as well, choose the quality of things you do rather than the number of things you do, things that truly bring joy to your life.
  • When you try to learn anything in life, the best thing you can do to learn that is through creating a routine, and minimalism is no different. It will help you stay organised and focused; set aside a specific time for all your ablutions, decluttering and planning. Stick to this routine as much as possible to create a sense of structure and stability in your daily life.

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Life is busy and tiresome, and you might not be able to integrate all the tips listed on this blog. But we urge you to adopt as many as you can to lead a minimalist lifestyle. Consequently, create a truly minimalist home. Doing the things listed on this blog wouldn’t just result in a minimalistic home. It will also result in peaceful living for you. Hopefully, this blog will help you get the desired result for your home. In case you want design professionals to get involved, feel free to book a design consultation for your home.